For Professionals

For clinicians and other providers working with men.

Through a partnership with Men & Healing: Psychotherapy for Men, 1in6, Inc. offers training services for counsellors, first responders, trauma clinicians, and behavioral health staff on issues of concern to men and their families.

These training programs are based on the clinical services dedicated to male survivors that originated in Ottawa, Canada in 1999. Now approaching its 25th year of service, this treatment model has served over 5,000 clients in their goals towards living a happier and healthier life.

The Men & Healing model of men’s group trauma treatment in the world that has been subject to two peer-reviewed studies demonstrating clinical effectiveness. Furthermore, in their review of this service model, the Aboriginal Healing Foundation considered it to be a “promising healing practice” (Vol. III).

Training on this model has been conducted with hundreds of service provider organizations throughout North America, including community initiatives, Indigenous First Nations, and government services. Branches of the American as well as the Canadian military have also been served. Similar training initiatives have occurred in the UK, Japan, South Korea, Cambodia, New Zealand and Singapore.


Our Primary Trainer:

Rick Goodwin, MSW, RSW is a clinician, manager and trainer on issues concerning men’s mental health. Much of his work over the past twenty-five years has focused on male sexual trauma – managing both regional and national initiatives in Canada. Along with leading clinical training initiatives, he also serves as the Managing Director of Men & Healing: Psychotherapy for Men (

Rick’s research and writing has been published in both national magazines and federal publications. He co-authored the guidebook Men & Healing: Theory, Research and Practice with Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (2009), a resource that is now being used to formulate services internationally. He also co-authored the Australian guidebook Foundations (2017). Additionally, Rick was the author for Health Canada in their investigation concerning the correlation between men’s experience of HIV and sexual violence.

Rick is the inaugural recipient of the Attorney General’s Award of Distinction for his work in “developing and implementing innovative victim service programs” (2007). He recently has been awarded a Meritorious Service Medal from the Governor-General of Canada (2020).


Which to Choose: In-Person or Virtual Training?

This is an important consideration whether you are pondering your next in-house training, conference or community learning event. Fostered in part by the pandemic and the rise in e-learning platform technologies, there is lots to consider and no clear answers.

We all have experienced virtual learning, and the platforms are numerous. We tend to use Zoom as our platform of choice for online engagement. All that to be said, here are some of the merits to consider for virtual learning:

  • It is cheaper event to manage (no air fares or hotel bills for the presenters).
  • It is an easier event to manage – no coffee service is required! We also take care of the tech interface, including video and small group exercises, by the way.
  • It allows for participants from other sites, cities or even other countries (one of our last events folks came from five other countries!).

While that may sound really good, here are some of the drawbacks of virtual training:

  • Online training limits the learning group getting to know each other. Icebreakers, commitments of confidentiality, and trust-building are key to successful engagement on tough topics like trauma.
  • Networking between participants fall short in online engagement.
  • Despite best efforts, there is less participant engagement in online training – issues like screens being turned off, not posing questions, and conducting parallel work (like responding to emails!) can all detract from the experience.
  • Trauma training can be immensely draining, particularly so with online events. Not too many folks get energized from full days in front of a screen!
  • Some participants can be triggered by training content. Being online (and isolated) can make that experience invisible, leaving the individual(s) unsupported.

And the answer is….it depends! We are happy to chat through these options with you to see what is best for your event!


Some Additional Information:

  • Electronic copy of material is provided to participants. Bound participant handbooks with presentation materials can be made available.
  • Training content can be adapted to the needs of specific audiences.
  • An evaluation can be conducted, including a summary of findings prepared for organizers and/or funders.

We welcome your enquiries at [email protected]


To schedule a training or presentation, or to inquire about our offerings, contact [email protected].

Normalize The Conversation: The 101 of Sexual Trauma

This 90-minute presentation for advocates and other professionals who work with men provides an opportunity to consider the particular ways men may respond differently to childhood sexual abuse or assault. Whatever your level of knowledge about working with men who have experienced sexual abuse or assault, this presentation may encourage you to rethink your current assumptions, examine your expectations, and employ a lens of masculinity to enhance your existing skills when working with men.

Training Details
Workshop: Helpline Practices for Serving Men

Advocates working with men on telephone or online helplines may encounter particular challenges to engaging men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences. This workshop is for SV/DV program developers as well as outreach, prevention & response teams and other professionals looking to further engage male survivors of sexual abuse or assault through traditional and innovative outreach strategies.

Training Details
“The Bristlecone Project” Film Screening and Discussion

This 30-min documentary film could be featured as a stand-alone screening; as a starting point for a community discussion about the issue; or as a teaching aid. “The Bristlecone Project” film is a powerful and effective vehicle for raising awareness about men’s potential to reclaim healthy, meaningful lives after experiencing sexual abuse or assault.

Appropriate for all levels of expertise.

Training Details
Men & Healing: Two Days Of Cognitive & Experiential Learning And Skills Presentation

Two-day training with a strong clinical emphasis, combining conceptual training on the range of men’s responses to unwanted or abusive sexual experiences with training in core intervention strategies and skills. Empowers service providers to actively intervene with men who have had traumatic sexual experiences, whether they initially disclose histories of sexual abuse or present with other, seemingly unrelated issues. A combination of theory and practice with an emphasis on experiential approaches addresses many of mental health professionals’ practical and clinical concerns. Cognitive & Experiential Learning is ideal for healthcare professionals, case managers, criminal justice and victim-service advocates, and other front-line staff who have some clinical engagement with clients. A clinical background is useful to benefit from all aspects of the training.

Training Details
Research on Male Survivors

Explore research opportunities, surveys, and research/reports on our research page.

Training Details
Truth Telling (T1): A one-day training on the case statement for addressing men's trauma

Truth Telling is the introductory crash course training on men’s developmental trauma, with a particular research lens on childhood sexual trauma. It offers a primer on the theories and conceptual approaches to working with male survivors – a necessary precursor to those who want to therapeutically engage with this population.

Training Details
Re-Visioning Men’s Anger, Rage & Violence (T2): A one-day training on trauma-informed engagement on issues of anger and rage

Re-Visioning Men’s Anger, Rage & Violence is based on trauma-informed research examining the links between male childhood abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV). While many practitioners are aware that most men who are prone to rage and partner violence have a significant history of childhood abuse, few intervention programs are derived from this research and application.

Training Details
Working It Through (T3): A three-day process training on male sexual trauma, trauma therapy and the healing of men

Working It Through combines conceptual training on male sexual trauma with specific intervention skills and strategies to empower frontline workers to intervene purposely with men who have experienced trauma. This combination of trauma theory and practice – with an emphasis on cognitive, psychodynamic and experiential approaches – addresses many of the practical and clinical concerns of front-line helping professionals. Using a variety of learning modalities, this training delivers a steady-paced, participatory and focused opportunity for in-depth learning.

Training Details
Core Curriculum (T4): A one-day training on first-stage engagement with male survivors

This day delivers what many mental-health professionals, sexual-trauma services and frontline workers request most: a step-by-step training on the process of intake, assessment and the curriculum basics for first-stage engagement with male survivors. This training is applicable to both individual psychotherapy as well as dedicated group programming.

Training Details
A Finger Cannot Pick Up a Stone (T5): A one-day training on group therapy for mental-health service providers

As healing cannot occur in isolation, group work is a preferred model of intervention with vulnerable populations of all genders. Group therapy lessens the isolation faced in individual therapy, is seen as more effective in reducing shame, allows one’s testimony to be witnessed, and creates a supportive learning atmosphere that can benefit all participants. Group practice can also help facilitate community re-integration for survivors of abuse and trauma. Unfortunately, most training and graduate programs neglect this essential skill to the disadvantage of therapists and clients.

Training Details
Emotional Integrity (T6): A two-day training concerning self-awareness, emotional regulation and interpersonal expression for men

Emotional Integrity is both a core value in the psychotherapy field as well as a core outcome in clinical work. Based on 25+ years of providing the Emotional Integrity group therapy program (previously known as Emotional Intelligence) to men, this training helps practitioners to bolster the psycho-social needs and skills of their male clients.

Training Details
Tending the Wounds (T7): A one-day training on clinical engagement on trauma issues for male survivors

Tending the Wounds emphasizes a variety of clinical strategies working with male survivors, focusing particularly on psychodynamic and experiential approaches. This therapeutic heavy-lifting is applicable to both individual and group engagement.

Training Details
From Conceptualization to Engagement (T8): A two-day training for mental health professionals on the theory and practice of working with male survivors of sexual trauma

From Conceptualization to Engagement (FCTE) is our best two-day engagement strategy for healthcare professionals who are working in the field and have encountered trauma related issues in their practices. It combines the right balance between conceptual issues that impact men, the relevant research relating to men’s developmental trauma (with a particular lens on childhood sexual trauma), all with the focus on clinical engagement in individual as well as group intervention.

Training Details