Free and anonymous chat-based support groups for male survivors of sexual abuse or assault who are seeking a community of support. Each group meets weekly and is facilitated by a counselor.
Free and anonymous chat-based support groups for male survivors of sexual abuse or assault who are seeking a community of support. Each group meets weekly and is facilitated by a counselor.
Our online support groups offer support to men in their journeys of trauma recovery, with a focus on education and mutual support.
Each support group functions just like a chat room: choose an anonymous display name, enter the group, and start typing. There’s no audio or video, and no personal information is collected. A counselor is present to facilitate each session.
The counselor offers information, answers questions, and keeps the discussion on track. A trained moderator is present to review comments to ensure that each group remains safe and anonymous.
Groups are cost-free and open to all men who have a computer or smartphone with an internet connection.
Please note that these online support groups are designed as support groups, not group therapy. The facilitator’s presence is not intended to provide an experience that would replace or substitute for regular group or individual therapy. We encourage online support group participants to access therapy with a licensed clinician whenever possible.
We encourage you to choose one group and attend regularly to establish a sense of safety and consistency within the group.
Questions? Email [email protected].
Each group opens 10 minutes prior to its start time and reaches capacity at 10 participants. The entry point (below) closes no later than 30 minutes after the beginning of each session.
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